Lyceum Clubs
Distinctive Australian and International links for women - a part of the Karrakatta Club since 1920
From its inception in 1894, The Karrakatta Club has staged regular discussions, debates and presentations from invited speakers, with our regular Lyceum day on Tuesdays honouring our membership of the International Association of Lyceum Clubs (IALC)
Australian and International Connections Enrich the Lives of our Members
Our regular ‘Lyceums’ honour our membership of the International Association of Lyceum Clubs (IALC) and the national Australian Association of Lyceum Clubs (AALC). Lyceum clubs provide opportunities for life-long learning, advocacy, friendship and Australian and international connections.
Karrakatta Club President’s Welcome to Convention Delegates Read Here
From 1 January 2023 the Secretariat of the AALC formally became the responsibility of the Karrakatta Club for three years.
Triennial Conference of the AALC, Perth 15-18 September, 2024.
The conference showcased Western Australia in a rich programme highlighting the state’s spirit of innovation, creativity and renewal. 2024 Triennial Conference Programme Here