New members are welcome
Established in 1894 we continue to be a club full of vitality with opportunities for learning and friendship through shared interests.
Located at the architect designed ANZAC House and across from Government House, the Club offers a varied programme of weekly guest presentations, stimulating Circles of Interest and camaraderie. Circles include Art Focus, Book Club, Bridge, Garden Circle, Mah Jong, Movie Circle.
The ANZAC Club dining room overlooking the gardens of Government House offers a menu and service provided by talented chefs and staff. On the ground floor, the Edith Cowan Room provides a private sanctuary in the city to catch up with friends, experience the library’s offerings or simply relax and enjoy some quiet time. When you become a member of the Karrakatta Club you join three clubs - our own, plus the Australian and International Lyceum Clubs and the ANZAC Club. Australia’s oldest club for women with its roots in advocacy for women, children and families, the Club’s unique history and reputation are appreciated by generations of members and respected by community and international friends.
For membership enquiries please contact Reception on 61 (08)9325 8111 or email reception@karrakattaclub.com.au
For private bookings for the ANZAC Club dining room phone (08) 9287 3777
Membership Information
Australia’s longest established Club for Women, has its roots in advocacy for women, children and families,
When you join the Karrakatta Club you have the pleasure of joining not one but three distinctive clubs.
Club affiliations and connections provide valuable opportunities to mix with national and international Lyceum Club members and enjoy the fine hospitality and accommodation offerings at many of their clubs, thereby enriching travels and offering comfort and a sense of security for club members. Learn More About IALC Here
The Karrakatta Club has an historical association with the RSLWA in which its premises are now located. In 1915 Karrakatta Club members, led by Edith Cowan OBE, were instrumental in setting up the Welcome Soldiers Institute for members of the Expeditionary Forces. The Institute was the forerunner to the RSLWA. Today we are proud to continue that association. Learn More About the RSLWA Here